Caritas Legal Services

Caritas Legal Services provides comprehensive, low-cost legal aid in probate and immigration law to individuals and families seeking a secure future.

Legal Services San Antonio

Our lawyers are experienced in multiple fields to offer clients the best legal advice on a wide range of legal issues:

Guardianship – Legal help for family members of individuals who are unable to secure food, clothing, or shelter for themselves or need help making decisions.

Wills – End-of-life legal preparations including power of attorney, simple wills, and probate management.

Property Deeds – Assistance with transferring homes to loved ones during their life or upon death.

Financial Wellness and Care – Legal aid for those who have limited ability to manage their personal finances.

Immigration Assistance – Legal aid to help immigrants and refugees secure their legal immigration status. Every person has a unique situation. At Caritas Legal Services, we will try our best to find immigration relief that will allow you to stay in USA and work legally. Caritas legal Services have grants that can help immigration to reduce the fee or waive the fee.

Our immigration services include:

  • I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Green Card): Also known as Adjustment of Status or Green Card, a permit allowing a foreign national to live and work permanently in the U.S.
  • DS-260, Consular Processing: Once you are the beneficiary of an approved immigrant petition I-130 or I-360 and an immigrant visa is immediately available to you, we will file all the required forms and documents and make sure you will pass the interview without any delay.
  •  N-400, Application for Naturalization: Any Lawful Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) of the United States who meets the eligibility requirements can file to become a U.S. Citizen.
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA): A United States immigration policy that allows some individuals with unlawful presence in the United States after being brought to the country as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S.
  • Family Petitions: A petition that allows for individuals in the U.S. to sponsor their family to immigrate to the U.S.
  • Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence:  A petition that allows conditional permanent residents who obtained status through marriage to apply to remove the conditions on their permanent residence, whether joint filing or filing without their U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse.
  • I-765/EAD, Work Authorization: Authorization to work in the U.S. for a specific time period.
  • Terminate removal, Cancellation of removal 42 A and 42 B, Removal Defense: Defense against removal from the country, which may include asylum (the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee).
To Apply for Asylum
For a list of legal service providers, click here.

Para Solicitar Asilo

Para obtener una lista de proveedores de servicios legales, presione aquí.

Caritas Legal Services offers immigration assistance in a variety of languages.

¡Hola! Caritas Legal Services puede ayudarle con la asistencia legal en materia de inmigración. Por favor llame al (210) 242-3131.

مرحبًا! يمكنك الحصول على المساعدة القانونية في الهجرة عن طريق كاريتاس للخدمات القانونية. يرجى الاتصال 3131-242-210.

ሰላም! የካሪታስ የሕግ አገልግሎቶች በኢሚግሬሽን የሕግ ድጋፍ ሊረዱዎት ይችላሉ። እባክዎን ይደውሉ (210) 242-3131.

Tajjaajili Seeraa Karitus Gargaasa Seeraa Immigreeshinii Issinii Kennuf Qophahee Jira. Tajjaajila Keena Argachuuf  Bilbilla Kanarratti (210) 242-3131 Bilbilaa.

Salaan! Adeegyada Sharciga ee Caritas ayaa kaa caawin kara gargaarka sharciga ee socdaalka. Fadlan wac (210) 242-3131.

To schedule an appointment for low-cost legal aid, contact Caritas Legal Services, 5315 Summit Parkway, San Antonio, Texas 78228 at (210) 242-3131.

Caritas Legal Services are now available at the Catholic Charities Del Rio office!
106 Miers Dr.
Del Rio, TX 78840
Call (210) 242-3100 or visit for more information

Last updated: 7/26/24